Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Extra Credit: 10 Random Things About THE Scott Woods

1) I'm a writer, not just of poetry, but of fiction. I've completed two novels, but only one of them is good.

2) I DJ as Scott's Groove Locker around town.

3) I firmly believe that exercise will kill you.

4) I am a total gaming addict: board games, video games...games....mmm...

5) I've released over 10 CDs of music, mostly under pseudonyms.

6) Pizza is my favorite food, and I divvy up which pizza to buy based on mood. My favorite go-to pie is Masseys. It used to be Tommy's, but then they changed the pie.

7) I will go see any movie based on a comic book.

8) I've been working on my will lately. It's tough when you care where stuff goes.

9) In CML there is a significant difference in the same job based on location.

10) If you ever hear this line from Patrick Losinski:

"When you work at Main you're working in service to the institution that is CML and all it represents. When you work in branches, you are in service to the community. Neither is good or bad; just very different missions."

...he stole that from me.

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